Beacon Fabri-Tac and Zip Dry is great for adding photos and memories in this easy, DIY travel journal! Zip Dry is perfect for paper and photos because it doesn’t wrinkle, tear, or soak through paper!

Materials & Tools
Beacon Fabri-Tac

Beacon Zip Dry
Royal Blue Glitter Elastic Trim
Pink Symphony Glitter Fabric Flowers
Piper Floral Apparel Fabric
Patchwork Polka Dot Boy Scrapbook Paper – 12″ x 12”
Printed Photos


  1. Pick your paper for the cover
  2. Cut out desired size for the cover
  3. Cut and glue cardboard to the back of construction paper used for the cover using Zip Dry
  4. Cut and glue scrapbook paper on top of card board using Zip Dry
  5. Fold Sheets of paper in Half for the pages
  6. Glue pages along the seam

 Skill Level: Intermediate

Crafting Time: 1 hour