DIY Christmas Light Bulb Stockings


Beacon Adhesives Felt Glue
Per Stocking:
One 12 x 18 in. stiffened white felt sheet
Two 12 x 18 in. stiffened felt sheets in the color of your choice


white felt white felt

Step 1: Grab two felt sheets in the same color.  On one sheet, draw a light bulb shape and then cut it out.  Then, trace the light bulb shape that you just cut out onto your second felt sheet and cut that one out so that you end up with two.  For Elle, each light bulb was about 15 1/2 inches long and 8 3/4 inches wide at the widest point.

white felt felt glue

Step 2: On your white felt, draw a shiny spot and cut it out.  Then, use you felt glue and glue it on one of your light bulb sheets.

felt glue light bulb felt

Step 3: On the piece that does not have the shiny spot, draw a line of glue like in the image above (don’t be shy with the glue).  Make sure you do not glue the top part shut because that is going to be the opening of your stocking!  Press the light bulb with the shiny spot on top of the piece you just added glue to and let it dry completely.

white felt white felt

Step 4: On your white felt, draw and cut out two pieces that resemble the top of a light bulb.  For Elle, this piece was about 4 1/2 inches long and 7 inches wide.  Then, glue those pieces together.  Elle glued two pieces together because it was less transparent that way.  Finish off by gluing this onto the front of your stocking like shown above.

felt glue  white felt

Step 5: Cut a rectangular strip out of white felt.  For Elle, this piece was about 5 inches long and 1 1/4 inches wide.  Add felt glue to one end like pictured above and press it down onto the top middle part on the back of your stocking.  Let it completely dry!  Then add glue to the other end of the rectangular strip, leaving the middle part without any glue.  Push the end down onto the felt so that the middle is folded up (please see images above).  Put a heavy book on the end that you just glued until it is completely dry.  This piece is what Elle used to hang up her stocking over her fireplace but you can do whatever you think will work best in your home.

And the fun continues with stuffing your stockings!  Merry Christmas!

This DIY was done by Elle Bee – @crafterward.